Max, via my new Lightroom Presets
The Easter Bunny made a few stops this weekend. My nephew got a bunch of things to make him happy, mostly all centered around his love for animals. Between bites of food, I snapped some shots of him. This one is my fave.
"Look at this, Juju!" Max would say to me, plopping a plastic owl into my hand.
"That is so cool!" I would say back.
"I know, and I have another one too, only in a different color!" His sentences always seem to end in exclamation points.
Hopped up on sugar I went home and started to install some new Lightroom Presets that a fellow photog shared with me. After figuring out that little technical piece I started playing around and before long my behavior was not that different than my 6 year old nephew when he was playing with all his new toys. Transforming image after image had me giggly and inspired and excited.
Hours later, in front of my computer I could be heard "WOW! Look at that! That is SO cool!"
My favorites were the ones that made a sort of vintage or washed look, which is somehow also a bit edgy and definitely fun. I thought about how this one little discovery could bring me so much joy, creating a stronger bond to my software, another reason to love my craft. I find these kinds of moments to be so crucial. Reasons to laugh and jump around and feel excited about what you do and how much you love it. Reasons to feel like a kid again.