Thursday, October 15, 2009

Time to Walk Away

Life as a photographer is not always glamorous, though it's ok if many of you out there want to think it is. But behind closed doors and after big shooting days, many of us photographers sit agonizing over how to get the next job and how to edit these images into things of beauty. Hours spent in front of computer monitors wrestling with the occasional lighting mishap, the technical glitch that halts all production, the endless stabs at our psyche when things don't go our way.

At times, these are the moments I get up and maybe flip laundry, take my vegie scraps out to the compost pile, or even get out of my pj's and into some real people clothes. Sometimes I turn to the internet for a distraction (not always the best choice). Other times, my camera and I head out to find pretty stuff (a very good choice). And lately I have added a new method of dealing. I simply walk away.

I walk away and grab a hula hoop. I walk away and get on the elliptical. I walk away and stretch, then go for a run. This breaks up my day and often helps my mind get out of the fog of frustration it has fallen into. Then I can either return fresh and keep going, or find a way to fix what wasn't working before the much needed break. I spend the rest of day feeling good and like I accomplished something.

This new method of coping has happened almost accidentally. It is my hope to participate in the TRI for a Cure in the summer of 2010 with some of my gal pals. Too many years of sitting in front of computer, combined with not being active enough have taken their toll. Meaning, I'm kind of out of shape. And honestly, this work requires a certain level of strength and endurance. A 10 hour wedding or a day in the desert on a film set is exhausting, but would be easier to handle with a little more muscle on the body. The TRI is the perfect motivator to make me find time to exercise, and a great way to manage some of the not so glamorous bumps in the land of photography.

Film Stills from a recent shoot I was on. More info coming soon....

Visit this guy's site for more info on his work


Anonymous said...

I think this is a very important concept for all artists to keep in mind. As entertainers and people who are constantly creating, I think a lot of us feel like we NEED to be perfect instantly...we need to have the solution rightnow! But it doesn't always work that way. Taking a break is the best way to gain focus and clarity of mind again.

Cameron Bonsey said...

Keep up the writing and the walking/running!

Unknown said...

Couldn't agree with you MORE, Judy! Nice post and nice commentary. . . I like the photos too--what film are you working on? Where was that? BTW--I am totally into LOST now! I am watching the 5th season already--so I will be caught up by January when the 6th (and final, sadly?) starts! Let's tawk!

Live Through the Lens said...

Thanks all! Glad to hear I'm not the only who needs her creative breaks. It's nice to get the benefit of exercise back into my life as well.

Cindy - I was outside LA, CA on a set for short film that was funded by ITVS (I think). It's still in production, and the title is not yet confirmed. I will def post more about it as more of it comes together. It was a great experience!
We should grab coffee sometime - since we never see each other anymore!

Kiersten said...

You go girl! Can't wait to do the race with you next summer. Oh, and you are a fabulous photographer. I love the new images. :)

Live Through the Lens said...

Thanks Kiersten! I'm feeling like I need to kick it up a notch so I can keep up with you :)