Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rinse and Repeat

The other day I hung out on a farm in the snow with an actress, a photographer and a videographer. Oh, and the the two camera guys are also musicians, but maybe that's not important right now. We joined forces, in the name of creative collaboration, cross promotion, and style enhancement. Working in collaboration, and seeing what our talents can produce. I think I am in love with working this way.

First of all, creative types can truly benefit by stepping out of their studios or even away from their egos, and sharing with each other. It's easy to get wrapped up in our projects and forget that. But every time I work with others I come away jazzed up and ready to roll. I know I am not alone in this.

One of the many things I learned while at Mystic5 was the concept of Lather, Rinse, Repeat (not just for clean hair, apparently!) In photo terms it can be worded as Shoot, Learn, Go out and do it again. And again. And again.... You get the idea. And since this early January 3 day seminar ended, I have seen that concept repeated all over the place - on blogs, twitter, Facebook, etc., and not by people who were at the Mystic5 seminar. People everywhere seem to know this.

So, go out and try it. Figure out what worked and what didn't. Go out and try again. And do that over and over, as often as possible. There has to be some mathematical formula out there that tells us this is the only way to get better and better at what we do. I'm not a math person, so I wouldn't know the name of such thing, other than persistence.

So, allow me to introduce Casey McDougal, SAG actress, Vegan, and all around fun person. She has to go through the Lather, Rinse, Repeat process all the time as well. No one is going to find her if she doesn't audition, and she's never going to improve if she doesn't keep at it, and learn from those around her, and then head out the door the next day to do it all over again.

There is something incredibly exciting about this concept. Every chance you go out and work on your craft is a chance to learn, to grow, to take yourself to the next level. And isn't that so much better than feeling stuck or working the same way day in, day out? Even the most seasoned rockstar-esque professional has to do this or else they too will get stale, and will watch as their colleagues pass them by. It's one of those things that reminds me at times that our possibilities are endless. I will continually shoot, learn, and head out my door yet again, and still not know all there is to know. There are so many directions I will be able to go. All of us have this chance, should we wish to take it.

The two musician guys and I had two more shoots together that weekend. Each one just as rewarding as the last, each one another step in the direction of building ourselves as individuals and a team. There will be more info coming soon on these collaborations, so please stay tuned.

Don't step away from the computer!



JBMovies said...

Great post. You can only be your best by learning from both your mistakes and your great choices that you make with each piece of art you contribute to.

Live Through the Lens said...

Thanks JBMovies! It's just so great to keep stretching our brains and abilities.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Judy