Friday, February 26, 2010

A Strong Filter

One of my favorite gems of a thinking place.

I am feeling both inspired and frustrated at the same time, and I can't quite figure out why. There is one side that feels great and like new things are taking shape and positive steps are being taken, while the other side feels like nothing is happening and things aren't going my way and I don't know what to do next.

But then I tell myself this all part of the process. "The Process" can be defined in so many different ways, but I think for me these feelings come about every few months. I hit a bit of a wall and the self doubt shadow follows me around for a couple of days, like an imaginary friend who's not really friendly. But, these moments always lead to another break, another step forward, another chance to take things to the next level. SO, I just have to remind myself that I almost need to go through these times to get to the better stuff. Sometimes, it's just simply Life Lessons.

It's also a matter of learning to filter what works and what doesn't. There are so many people out there dispensing advice, but not all of it fits into what might work for you. Or for me. At times, it can seem like information overload. We all need to learn to filter the good from the bad. One of the amazing speakers at Mystic 5 cautioned us all not to "drink the Kool-Aid." Which made me laugh, then think.

So, the strong filter is essential as a photographer, as a creative type, as a human just trying to get by. I usually walk around with an open heart and mind, and try to take in as much as possible. Later I have to remind myself to take in only what I want, only what will work for me. And then move on.

My only advice - don't filter so much that you miss the gems when they appear in front of you. They can often show up in unexpected ways.



Unknown said...

Nice post, Judy--and oh so true about the strong filters. I often feel the same way. . . Cindy

Live Through the Lens said...

Thanks Cindy! This is the year that I implement the FILTER - Still learning about that, obviously. :)

Do you have a recent GEM that surprised you?
