Because I just can't get enough.... of FLUFF!!
And because I haven't updated my life in SoFoBoMo world for a while and figured I should. Since I love this photo, this is the one I chose to share. These are the items that make up the life of gluten-free baking.
I have not photographed for the project since last week. There have been photos to edit and ideas to hash out. I know I have more than 35 photos (one of the few requirements for the challenge), but do I have everything I need? Maybe. I also decided how I want to break the book down, more or less. And today I started to lay it out. I feel like I'm right on track, but every once in awhile I think of details I still need to tend to, and hope I can get it all done in time and to my liking.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
SoFoBoMo: Tools of Your Trade

Just another day at the office. Or in the kitchen. And just another day taking pictures of the Gluten-free goodness that comes out of Wildflours in Brunswick, Maine. I am happy to report no camera glitches today....

Today's shoot went well, I will edit the photos later. I just wanted to post these two since I kind of dig them. Tomorrow it's back to Anello's with fingers crossed and all equipment double checked.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
SoFoBoMo: Camera Bump

Today I drove down to Portsmouth, NH to get in my first shooting day at Anello's Cafe. I was supposed to go Monday, but had to cancel (something I HATE doing). I had a thought that made me laugh before I headed out the door. What if something else interfered with me getting photos of this yummy GF eatery? I would have to think that maybe it wasn't meant to be. But I laughed it off, jumped in the car, and headed south.

When I walked into Anello's the place was pretty quiet, the lunch rush over. I am trying to time my first few shoots so that I am not intruding or getting in the way during the busy hours. Traci Anello, the cafe's owner, looked at me and said "Well, there's not really anything going on today." They were apparently having what one of the employees would later refer to as a 'Wednesday'. I guess that means it's one of the slow days.

Right around the time I took this photo, my camera started doing something odd. First the image on the screen was splitting up. Then images started having bright pink, blue, green, and yellow lines through it. CRAP! What is going on with this camera I just bought 6 days ago?

Shortly after that my camera no longer wanted to take pictures. I tried to act cool. I fiddled around with things, took the memory card out, put it back in, tried shooting again. Then just ordered a sandwich (which I hoped to photograph...) so I could sit down and try to figure out the problem. More crazy bright lines, and eventually my camera just didn't take another photo. A warning appeared on my screen that I may need to change the memory card, that it may be corrupted. I needed to get some technical advice and solid answers before I continued taking any more photos. SO, yeah, today seemed like maybe it wasn't meant to be!

But, I ate my yummy GF food then drove straight to my camera shop and get a little advice. The verdict is still out whether it's a camera issue or just a memory card issue. Still, if it is just a memory card then it happened on one that I hardly ever use, and I find that annoying. Like I threw my money out the window. Even if the throwing happened 8 months ago.
I'll be headed back out tomorrow, this time with extra memory cards and A BACK-UP CAMERA! Since I'm pretty sure that's why I just bought the second one. Ah, the lessons we learn along the way! Onward and upward, as my dad used to say.....
Anello's Cafe,
Gluten-free food,
New Hampshire,
Portsmouth NH,
Friday, May 15, 2009
SoFoBoMo: Day 1
Guess what I learned today? FLUFF is gluten-free!! I'm not sure why, but that little piece of information brought me great happiness. It's been years since I've eaten fluff, but now I know I could have a fluffernutter if I wanted. And I think I just might want.

Well, I did it. I officially kicked off the SoFoBoMo today. I know I hoped to kick it off a few days ago, but things didn't really come together. Some things just take longer than planned. As long as I don't take more than 31 days to get the book done! The adventure started at Wildflours where I watched Jess, the baker, make Twinkles (GF Twinkies). Something tells me this project isn't going to be good for my sweet tooth...

The first day was, in my opinion, a success. I brought my brand new camera, fresh out of the box, and so I didn't realize that I was shooting in Jpeg for awhile. Not the end of the world, but if given the choice I always prefer a RAW file mainly because there is so much you can do with it later on. And if the goal is to print something (rather than just view it on the web), than RAW is always the way to go. So, a minor bump with no major impact.
Next shoot is Monday at Anello's. I'm already looking forward to my BLT with spicy mayo!
Next shoot is Monday at Anello's. I'm already looking forward to my BLT with spicy mayo!
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Next Challenge
I'm taking on a challenge. For years I have wanted to make a book of my photos. A sturdy, hard cover book showing the best of me and my photographic abilities, a sign that I have truly arrived. Then the internet started allowing all of us to make this dream come true by providing places and tools and know-how that would turn hope into reality. Sights like Blurb and Lulu opened many doors for the creative types with dreams of seeing their work in print.
But the kicker is one still has to make the time to make the book. How many of us have wanted to do this and still haven't? My hand is raised very high in the air right now (think: Horshack on Welcome Back Kotter).
And then I heard about a challenge set up to force photographers to stop talking and start working. It's called the Solo Photo Book in a Month Challenge, or SoFoBoMo, and it is exactly what it sounds like - a challenge to make a photo book in one month's time. No more excuses! Time to get crackin'!
Well, that is, if you choose to take on the challenge.
This concept appealed to me because of the word 'challenge' and the idea of having a restricted amount of days/time to make yourself just do it. Can you really get it all done in a month's time? Will it be what you were hoping? Will you accomplish what you set out to do? I don't know, but knowing I have only a month makes me want to accomplish it, makes me want to see what I can do under these circumstances, and definitely makes me want to finally do something I've wanted to do for years.
The goal is to have a finished product in book form (either PDF or actual book on Blurb, etc.) by the end of your 31 days. Pick a topic, pick up your camera, and just GO! So, I just signed up this week, even though I have been thinking about it for a little while. Originally I thought I would love to do a book all on photos in diners. Sure, it's been done but who doesn't love a good diner pic? And I for one love bringing my camera into any and all kinds of diners.
Then I started to think about details and remembered a major factor about my life: I can't tolerate gluten. Driving all over New England for some great shots that may result in zero food options didn't seem like a great way to spend my month. A diner book is something I can do slowly, compiling many years of images into one fabulous place. I can take my time for something like that. No, I knew I would need to eat and so I chose to document a small number of gluten-free eateries. Ideally, I would love 3, 4 at the most. I currently have two who are willing to open their doors and let me capture some of the day to day happenings. Their support of this little project has been tremendous, so I would like to give them each a shout out and encourage all of you (GF or not) to visit their businesses:
Wildflours is a new small Gluten-free bakery and grocery located in Brunswick, Maine. Try the raspberry coconut muffins or the GF TWINKIE (woohooo!!!), then be sure to browse for your favorite snacks, pastas, and baking mixes. I can't walk in there without leaving with a bag full of groceries and muffin mixes. Then I pawn them off on my friends and family and they rave.
Anello's is an established completely gluten-free eatery in Portsmouth, NH (though they used to reside in Wells, ME). You can go in there and order anything off the menu and it will be gluten-free! It's a place you meet friends for lunch and feel completely relaxed about what you are putting in your mouth (a rare feeling for those who live GF). And the food is so good you would never feel like you were compromising anything. People drive there from all over just to have that feeling.
So, if I can find one more place, then great. If I can't, then I'm pretty happy with this combo. This is not only a chance for me to be challenged, to finally make a book, but it's also the chance to promote local small businesses and hopefully give them some exposure. It's exciting to think where this project could lead me.
I will have my official start day on Monday May 11, and finish 31 days later. Again, the goal is to make a book by the end. I'm excited for the challenge that lies ahead, and even more excited for the reward at the end that comes from accomplishing something like this. I will post periodically as I make my way through the ups and downs and yummy GF goodies.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
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