Friday, May 7, 2010

Single Photo Friday:: Smiles

Oh man, it's Friday already, and you know what that means: Single Photo Friday! Only I've had kind of a crazy week and haven't given an ounce of thought to what kind of photo I should share today. Hmmmm... what kind of a mood am I in?


Well, I had a reminder today how important positive people are in our lives. I try very hard to surround myself with supportive people and a general positive outlook. I need to find a photo that reflects that, or one that makes me happy....

Joe laughing @ Chowderhead's.

Yes, I do believe we have found a winner! How can you look at this face and not smile or crack up laughing? 

Thanks, Joe for brightening my day! 
I get a dose of double happiness when I look at this photo, since it brings back memories of the visit that brought him to my doorstep. Two friends and a baby who left NYC last summer to hang out in my town and on my back porch and eat as much seafood as possible. So, I see this photo and remember the long weekend I shared with them laughing, smiling, EATING. I love how a photo is powerful enough to bring waves of memories rushing over you, creating instant happiness.

Really good stuff.



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