Friday, June 11, 2010

Single Photo Friday:: Artful Community

Janice @ Portland's Graffiti Wall.

The city of Portland is filled with an amazing amount of creativity, and seems to be working hard at embracing its creative community lately. Here is a photo that shows two examples of this. First, Janice and her body art - a sort of walking advertisement for some local tattoo artists.

Second, Portland's graffiti wall - a public place of ever changing art. It is completely different every time I go by it. And I love to walk by, slow down, and stare. Sometimes I photograph people in front of it, or just photograph some of the amazing art work. Sometimes I try to imagine how a certain piece was painted and brought to life. I have always had a fascination with graffiti, so this spot is a bit of a gem in the Portland landscape for me.

Plus, it's a block away from one of my favorite coffee shops, where creative ideas come to life over laptops and lattes and good conversation.


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