Friday, October 29, 2010

Single Photo Friday:: Cup of Coffee

It's not quite 5pm on Friday of Halloween weekend. I am sitting at my kitchen table pondering a late afternoon cup of joe. I can hear cars go by outside my window, and hear the distinct noise of tires going through water. It must have rained earlier and I somehow didn't look up long enough to notice.

I can hear the washer going in the basement, and U2 is playing softly. Soon I will hear the click of the front door opening as the Weekend Warrior makes his way into the house. These are the sounds of home. Tomorrow the sounds might be different when the electrician arrives and starts to bring our home into this century. And once that happens I will be able to move my computer into my office and off the kitchen table. Hard drives and all sorts of fun extras will get set up again and things will move forward and work will resume. I am so looking forward to that!

But for now, I think I will grab that cup of coffee. Here at my kitchen table by the window that lets me watch the sky shift colors as the sun sets.


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