Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ladies Night

It occurred to me the other day that I have been posting an awful lot of photos of the twigs in my backyard, and not much of the people and life that I claim to photograph in the title of this blog. That made me think two things. One, my yard must be photo-worthy, and Two, I need to get out of my own backyard! Here are some fun photos from a night spent with friends. And, yes, the song 'Ladies Night' by Kool & The Gang is playing in my head as I write this!

The centerpiece on our table. Pretty.

Some of my high school gal pals and I have been getting together over the last few months to have a ladies night out, or 'mommies night out' as I like to call it behind their backs and to everyone on the world wide web (all 3 of you who read this blog). The mommies show up eager for adult conversation and perhaps some adult beverages. While I, the friend without kids, show up just hoping for a meal without gluten and a chance to laugh at my friends while they celebrate a few hours of freedom. Different worlds but with strong ties...

I was wondering how much, or actually, how little focus I could get away with. Funky light, delicious food, and great company at Local 188 set the stage for some artsy photos. I'm not sure if you heard, but when a photo is not in focus, you (the photographer) have license to say things like "I meant to do that - it's art!" I took a lot of artistic license in these photos. But I think they still convey a certain feeling.

I sat facing the window on purpose because I really liked all the lights in the background. And, if you are hoping to pick up technical tips along the way as you read this here bloggity blog then just know that I shot these images at 800 ISO, with a 50mm. I had a very shallow depth of field, at times only 1.4. It is my opinion that the 50mm is one of the most under-rated lenses. You can get your hands on them for very little money (even those that open up to F1.4), and this kind of flexibility is really a necessity if you like shooting in low light/natural light situations. Perhaps opinions on lenses would be better used on a different day with a different post! Stay tuned..

Mary Lou plays up to the camera. There is a light around her finger that looks like a glowing ring. I dig it.

Hanna the Happy Lawyer laughs her way through the meal, attracting all sorts of attention. It's hard to hold a camera still while laughing.

I heart this photo. In focus or not, you know exactly what is going on here.

Stuffed and paid up. Time to head out into the cold...


Anonymous said...

A nice time was had by all. And you have the photos to prove it!

Anonymous said...

That last post was by me. I don't know how I managed to make it anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I heart you Judy! I've been gone too long ...I LOVE that her ring was glowing'd that happen???

What a fabulous night out!

Unknown said...

Thanks Ker & Tash!

Oh, and her finger looks like a glowing ring because of the lights in the window. Her finger and one of the lights just happen to line up!

Unknown said...

Judy, I couldn't agree more! (about the out of focus thing, although I'm always so hard on myself when things ARE out of focus!) But my absolute fave is the artfully outta focus women toasting--very nice post and great words, as always, my friend! Cindy

Live Through the Lens said...

Thanks Cindy! I am overdue for a visit to your blog...
I'll get on that this week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy. I actually had to look closer to see if that really was my ring glowing. I like to think that it was. :)
That was a good evening and your pictures really display the mood well. Glad I finally found this blog.