Friday, February 13, 2009

Trying to find some focus

A beach in California. Where I wish was right now...

It's cold and it's January and I'm struggling to find some inspiration. OH! It's not January, it's actually February. Ooops. My mind is a month behind. I guess those 2+ weeks I spent in sunny California did something to my concept of time. Anyway, I am still getting used to the idea of working for me and keeping some sort of schedule that doesn't involve my pj's and a laptop and endless cups of coffee. I find myself in this almost weird sort of time warp, struggling between getting lots of little things done and feeling like I'm getting nothing done. I head into the office where I'm happy to find myself around other photographers, all of whom have helped me in some way. We come out of our offices and try to laugh or distract ourselves from the fact that there isn't much work right now. Keeping a positive attitude is essential and yet a struggle.

I spent Tuesday in the lighting studio bonding with my new lighting kit. I have been editing still photos from recent stints on different film sets. Some images for a friend who is working on a short film (that is a continuation of his 48 Hour Film Project), and the other for an independent feature I hooked up with while in Los Angeles. That whole experience is what I really want to write about and I am DYING to post those images on my blog. It was by far the highlight of my trip. But we will have to wait for that project to wrap and hopefully be released before I will share much more. Stay tuned.

So between editing and learning more about my equipment and lighting, there is the need to promote oneself. Everyone in the office is feeling discouraged and worried with what little work there seems to be. Perhaps a good time to update the website, start a new project, or maybe learn more about your craft. I say it's also a good time to work on relationships.

A fellow photographer I have assisted for a couple of times gave me a good piece of advice. He told me the key to marketing yourself is relationships. Take those relationships you make along the way and cultivate them. This makes perfect sense. How else will they know to think of you when they are in need of a photographer? His advice clicked with me and in that moment faces of people I had already been building a relationship with flashed through my mind. It was a moment that helped me to let go of that unhealthy schoolgirl feeling that maybe I'll be bugging someone by contacting them. It's just the opposite. The cultivated relationship is mutually beneficial, and the key to growing success for yourself and those around you.

This is where being a social creature can start to work in my favor. At least, that's my hope. Hopefully this will help me find some much needed focus.


1 comment:

Stephen Grant said...

So glad you enjoyed your time West. I enjoyed your thoughts in your post. Hopefully, the year will pick up soon, but good to know you have found other prospects (craft, skills) to hone.